Our friend Dave Webb has been lead to Jamaica this week. He left on Saturday with plans to pour some love onto them and share the gospel with them. In the months prior to this, Dave designed T-shirts and sold them, received unexpected donations, and plugged this trip to pay for it and now he is there being used by God for the greater good of the Kingdom.

We have had minimal updates from him and that's good because the Lord has other plans for him than a vacation spent in Jamaica taking pictures. It's real Kingdom work and the rubber meets the road on this one. Please continue to pray for him and his team as they serve the people of Jamaica in any way they can. Praise God for the Lord being ahead of them and pray that he reveals opportunities to lead someone to Christ every day. Pray that the love of God is seen in Dave and that in his moments of reflection, he finds reason to praise our King.
Also, there are additional places that God is leading us. We would like for you to pray for us as we look to Maine and Cleveland. We don't know what will happen there. We don't know who we will meet. All we know is that we have been invited up there and that God is ahead of us. Matt will be continuing to work on original compositions and blogging. We have begun tithing into this thing. We have been developing a mission statement we pray is fully inspired by the Holy Spirit. We will be sharing that when Dave comes back from his missionary journey. Matt's wife, Stacy, has asked to be a part of this with her singing, dancing, and painting. We will be continuing discussion about the vision God has placed on our hearts.
Thanks for reading and for all of your prayers. We need them.
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